Saturday, May 31, 2008

An insignificant consequence

Tonight I watched the movie Practical Magic. I loved this movie when it came out. I have always wanted to be a little magical. Life would be easier it I could just conjure up a little something. :-) My husband and I have always loved watching movies together. Since he has been gone, I have not had the desire to watch any real movies. I can watch animated features. They are safe.
Tonight, I did not think about the content of the movie. I just remembered that I loved the movie. I watched it and at the end, I was depressed because I still had no magic powers and I do not know when my happy ending will come (or even if it will.)
It is now after midnight and I don't want to sleep because I am sad. A silly romantic movie is not supposed to make me feel like this. I have my soul mate. Life should be ideal. Right?