Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Will the truth ever come out?

I don't think so. Just last week, someone informed me that a girl that is involved with the family told her that the girl that lied about my husband "made it all up." Huh? Okay: S. told me that A. told her that C. made it all up. Will the other two help? No. S. is worried about what others will think of her "talking" and A. is very much involved with the family.

I know that people think that if she lied it would eventually come out. The problem with some liars is that they are really good at it. I remember when I was a kid being told the b.s. story of "If you tell one lie, it will just lead to others and it will be impossible to keep straight." I thought that it was a crock then. If you just told the same lie over and over, you wouldn't have to remember much. Also how many people would be strong enough to take it all back once they realize how much they have hurt someone?

Also people do not care enough to get involved. Since it does not affect them, they do not feel the need to get involved. After the trial, people told me that they thought my husband was innocent, but where were they during the trial? We needed support and love during this episode, but very few actually checked on us. We needed help, but people did not feel the need to do anything. I do not think that the truth will ever come out.